Love Apple Farms: Farm Animal of the Week: Poopers!

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Christopher, this has to be one of the sweetest, funniest and well written little story I have read in a long time! I have 5 "throw-away" dogs and I never tire of their antics. I cant wait to meet Poopers!

Walter Jeffries

Poopers sounds like a gem and right for you! The foundation dog of our pack was a drop off dog too. He turned out to be excellent with livestock and so have his descendants. I love working with dogs. I've not read the Monk's book but my wife has read two of them and summarized to me. Good stuff.

On the compost, we put virtually anything in there that is organic, cover with sticks, wood chips, hay and dirt. Then we leave it. In two years there aren't even bones left. It produces wonderful soil. Our fruit trees get first dibs. My father is of the turn and complicated compost mind set. I'm of the leave it alone and do something else mind. His does work faster but mine's a heck of a lot easier.


Poopers is truly an amazing dog! I miss her!!!


Poopers couldn't have a better owner than you! Seeing Poopers and the other dogs is one of the highlights of my visit to Love Apple Farm.

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