Check out the chutzpa of this guy who hatched inside my kitchen last week and got some good chompin' in before I noticed him.
These tomatoes were brought into the house to ripen up. Since the nights were getting colder, there was no hope that the tomatoes would finish ripening on the vines. So as we were taking them down, we stripped off most of the green fruits. We then brought the trays inside to ripen.
The trays were just hangin' out on my kitchen counter, and I must have passed them by a hundred times a day. I don't know why I didn't notice this guy sooner, but all of a sudden, I caught sight of him, and Gack! Where the heck did you come from?
If this were earlier in the season, and the tomato fruitworms were starting to attack my tomatoes, I'd have to move pretty quickly to protect them. One year, I lost about a third of my crop because I didn't do anything to stop them. It was the first time they had ever been a problem in my garden, and so I kept thinking that they'd just go away. Not a good idea! Now, when I see the first signs of an infestation, I immediately go on-line and purchase eggs of the predatory insect, the Trichogramma wasp.
The Trichogramma wasp's favorite food source are caterpillars like this voracious fruitworm. But don't freak out, the wasps are so tiny, you cannot even see them. I prefer using predatory insects rather than spraying or dusting, because it's much safer and quicker. I don't have to take up valuable time mixing and applying an organic pesticide.
Fortunately, I don't have to do anything right now, though. It's the end of the tomato season, and this little guy is the last of the tomato fruitworms. For this year, at least.
Hi Cynthia, With the weather so wet in the morning in Ben Lomond, my poor tomatoes aren't ripening, what can I do, it has been a cold summer. Can they be brought in to ripen? Thanks, Diann
Posted by: Diann Homsy | August 20, 2011 at 10:01 AM
I have a trick that costs a pack of seeds.
I find the tomato fruitworm loves borage over tomatoes. I plant borage next to tomatoes, and when I see their frazz on the borage, I chop the borage off at the ground and throw it into a plastic garbage bag and seal it. All worms are usually gone for the season. I just eliminated them.
Posted by: Jan C. | May 03, 2011 at 02:35 PM
This is the first time I've had tomato fruitworms and I was glad to find your web site with some helpful info - they really did a number on my tomato crop this year.
Posted by: Martha | November 18, 2010 at 07:33 PM
Hi Cynthia...just fyi..I have ordered the next phase of my defense plan against the critters that got my whole harvest last year...what do you think of solar powered rodent sound wave plans? And I also got a motion sensor owl. I also have deterrent...don't know if it was squirrels, rats or racoons that feasted last year but taking no chances!
Posted by: carrie Moyer | June 08, 2010 at 09:54 AM
Laura: email me photos at [email protected] and I'll see if I can figure it out.
Posted by: Love Apple Farm | September 10, 2008 at 05:20 PM
I came across your Web site seeking info on a BROWN caterpillar I found on my tomato plant. This guy had two green stripes running the length of him and didn't seem to be destroying anything, unless I just got to him too quickly for him to get started, I have photos and cannot match his appearance to anything. Any ideas?
If not, I enjoyed perusing your Web site anyway! THANKS! Laura
Posted by: Laura | September 10, 2008 at 11:24 AM
Michael: The picture is indeed the tomato fruitworm, also known as the corn earworm, or bollworm, scientific name Lepidoptera. They range in color from pale yellow (which you may be more familiar with in Florida) to the light green that we have here in California. I sometimes get tomato hornworms as well. I do agree that they are less destructive than the fruitworm.
Posted by: Love Apple Farm | December 29, 2007 at 06:12 PM
those are hornworms (Manduca quinquemaculata), not tomato fruitworm moth larvae (Heliothis zea). the hornworms are much larger, and, ultimately, less damaging.
Posted by: Michael | December 29, 2007 at 05:18 PM
Cynthia- WOW what a wonderful site. Every time I open your site I walk away with new information-Thank you sooo for all your hard work & sending it our way. Jan
Posted by: Jan Bryant | December 10, 2007 at 07:42 PM
Trap crop those tomato hornworms. Plant borage close enough to be next to the tomatoes, but at a location where you still can pick the tomatoes. The horn worms love borage more than tomatoes! At the first sign of frazz, the small chunks of black horn worm catepillar poops/BM/feces, cut off most of borage as one bunch, put the bunch into a plastic garbage bag, seal. No more Hornworms!
You eliminated them!
Cynthia, your website is a feast for the eyes. Thank you!
Posted by: J. Carey, Homesteaders Garden Project | December 07, 2007 at 02:12 PM
I still have tomatoes growing in my garden. Dec 6. The plant is on the south face of a building. Think I'll pot it up.
The squash plant is coming out tomorrow. Just remember to pull off the blossoms so the fruit won't rot. The plant gives a longer season of harvest. PS I've very sandy soil.
Posted by: Melita Israel | December 06, 2007 at 05:37 PM
Megan: In my opinion, I do not think it's possible to grow tomatoes successfully outside in the winter in California. The day length is just too short, and of course the weather is too cold, even for the supposedly "cold-weather" tomatoes. The amount of manipulation people would need to do to get an acceptable crop would be too much trouble for the average gardener. If you had a heated greenhouse with grow-lights, and really knew what you were doing, then it's possible. But the cold weather tomato purveyors aren't telling you that.
Posted by: Love Apple Farm | November 28, 2007 at 06:37 PM
I never knew about the trichogramma wasp but now I'm curious to use this defense against caterpillars.
Posted by: Annette | November 28, 2007 at 02:47 PM
Hi Cynthia, Love the site! Have you/Do you ever plant the new tomatoes that supposdly grow during the Winter?
Posted by: Megan | November 28, 2007 at 12:50 PM
Hi Cynthia, thanks for stopping by at my blog. Re the parships: I must just have very rich soil, as it's not been added to for at least 3 years! I'm on heavy clay thought, so that can also cause the roots to bifurcate. I have a friend who lives in Maxwell California, in rice country- very different growing conditions to here! SWD
Posted by: She Who Digs | November 27, 2007 at 12:44 PM