Kohlrabi is a wonderful cool-weather crop because it tastes great (like broccoli some say, or a tender turnip) and it grows really fast. It's also easily grown from seed, which makes it an all-around wonderful and satisfying plant to cultivate. The slow growth of most winter veggies is frustrating, but kohlrabi is one of those that busts that rule.
Many people don't know that kohlrabi is a member of the cabbage family. Its name being derived from the German "kohl" for cabbage and "rube" for turnip. It's sometimes mistaken for a root vegetable, but the bulbous part of the plant grows above soil, with a thin tap root below ground. I grow both a white and a purple variety for Manresa, and they can use it either raw or cooked. It's best picked when the bulb is small, tennis ball sized or less, as it tends to get woody and tough when larger.
The culture of kohlrabi is much like that of cabbage. It prefers temps under 70 degrees; if your temps get above that when the plant is small, put a shade panel in front of it to reduce heat stress (more on my home-made shade panels later). They prefer an elevated soil Ph, so add lime if your bed Ph is below 6.3. I use oyster shell lime.
You can sow kohlrabi seeds directly in the ground in early spring (it can withstand minor frosts) and thin to three or four inches apart. I would use the tiny thinnings as salad additions or in stir fries. Since it grows so quickly, if you want a continuous harvest of it, make plantings every two or three weeks until the hottest part of the summer. You can begin sowing again in the fall. I like to start my kohlrabi seeds in flats in the greenhouse, prick them out into 2-1/4" pots, and then transplant out into the garden. We plant them closely together, as they do not need much room.
In this photo, you can see this young purple variety growing in our hoophouse. Kohlrabi loves the hoophouse and grows extra fast in there, but we also have plenty of it growing outside as well. The purple type of kohlrabi, although beautiful, does not maintain its color all the way through, so be aware of that. Don't just throw away those leaves; they're great used like turnip or beet greens. Now go kick some ass and plant some kohlrabi!
This is my first year trying Kohrabi, I plan to start the seeds today. We will see how it goes. I have never eaten it before and have never saw it except for pictures.
Posted by: Wayne | August 11, 2009 at 03:40 AM
That looks delicious!
Posted by: Matt | March 05, 2008 at 01:34 PM
Do you have a few kohlrabi cooking recipes avalible. We have grown some beautyful plants but don't know how to cook them.
Posted by: james kilgore | February 27, 2008 at 09:01 AM
I've never even tried kohlrabi, but have it in my garden plan for this year. The greens are beautiful and I am betting very tasty sauteed. I wonder, does the bulb taste/cook like a turnip?
Looking forward to reading more about your shade screens.
Posted by: Jenn | February 09, 2008 at 07:41 AM
There's nothing I like better than getting kohlrabi in my winter CSA box! The first time, I'll admit I had some trouble identifying it, but since then I've been addicted!
I love your beautiful blog, and I'm learning so much. Thanks!
Posted by: Kate | February 02, 2008 at 02:01 PM
I just love growing new veggies, and for some reason, I have been a little shy about growing kohlrabi. I purchased seeds in the past, but they just didn't make it into the garden. I love to cook as well, and perhaps I have just been too timid to work it into my repertoire. Your article is informative and inspiring once again. I will be trying kohlrabi this year. That's why I have been coming to your farm since I discovered it a few years back. Thanks!
Posted by: Cara G | February 01, 2008 at 07:47 PM
An amazing winter plant is kohlrabi.
But don't think its just grown as a hobby.
It's great in a salad, and fab in a wok;
it purees for a soup, and can roast in a crock.
So don't leave this great veg in your lobby;
Follow Cynthia and plant some kohlrobi.
Posted by: Richard Blau | February 01, 2008 at 10:17 AM
Maybe I just live in a market-haven, but there's kohlrabi at the farmer's market all the time. Perhaps the influence of Asian market farmers? Anyway, it's great mashed up, but fantastic just lightly cooked with olive oil, salt and pepper. Mmm.
Posted by: Anita | February 01, 2008 at 07:30 AM
I've never grown Kohlrabi before, but after reading your info it will be in my winter garden next year (especially after I take your winter gardening class). We've just moved back to Gilroy and I'm anxious for Spring and getting the ground ready for my tomato crop. Last year, my inability to spend time in the garden caused my crop to be smaller than usual. I generally grow 70-85 varieties of heirloom tomatoes. My wife blames Cynthia for encouraging me to be a bigger tomato "Kook" every year! She loves the tomatoes as much as I do! My garden is now 125 feet across and 75 feet deep.I'm looking forward to the seed starting class in March to try the intriguing new varieties! The Master's class I took last year has me geared up for the Brix Mix etc. and new procedures for bigger, sweeter, tastier tomatoes! I've been saving my eggshells and the local fishmonger knows me by my first name. Thanks Cynthia! I always look forward to your classes to increase my knowledge of growing better veggies and increasing the varieties of plants I grow!
Jim B.
Posted by: Jim Baggese | February 01, 2008 at 12:11 AM
Another veg to add to my spring planting list. Fall here in Western PA is often too hot and then freezing temps. I have been making a list to try planting for cool early spring crops. Hopefully the tiller will start or I will be out there with a shovel. I don't think I have had kohlrabi since I was a kid, will have to introduce it to mine.
Posted by: Rachel | January 31, 2008 at 01:36 PM
I love kohlrabi and eat it (raw) all winter long. (Also like raw turnips. I'm odd.) And I'm working on the second year of a wee urban organic garden here in LA, and was just looking for some things to plant for the little bit of cool weather we have, and dying to try to kohlrabi.
But for some reason I decided that kohlrabi was one of those advanced vegetables, and not to be attempted by rank beginners such as myself, so this is cheering news! I have to go get myself some seeds and give this a try.
I'm also excited about the Amazing Tomato Sweepstakes: I planted a variety of garden-store tomatoes last year, and was so unimpressed with all of them that I knew I had to make the plunge to more interesting heirloom types this year, but I'm finding the plethora of options overwhelming. It'd be great to be presented with what I'm going to plant, hee!
Thanks for the informative blog!
Posted by: E. | January 31, 2008 at 01:14 PM
Wow, what a cool looking veg! I have only just recently seen it in my local Food Co-op but was not sure what to do with it. I read someone's post that said it was a good vegetable to grow in the Northwest and since that is where I live (Port Hadlock WA) I may attempt it sometime soon. At least now I have lots of tips on how to grow it!
Posted by: Elaine | January 31, 2008 at 12:52 PM
I have never tried Kohlrabi before but after reading this article I will. The pictures are excellent so I will know what to expect! I look forward to more vegetable growing information.
Posted by: aggie | January 31, 2008 at 07:50 AM
great ideas thanks
Posted by: beadl | January 31, 2008 at 06:51 AM
I have never tried kolhrabi, but you and farmgirl susan have inspired me! I plan to grow them in a raised bed with my baby bok choy and asian greens...I live in zone 6 (first frost approx 10/15) any advice on when in the fall to plant them for the winter crop? thanks,
bernadette (aka beadl)
Posted by: beadl | January 31, 2008 at 06:49 AM
What a clear and informative post about a plant that I've never eaten or grown! I'm going to add kohlrabi to my list for this spring and give it a try. Thanks!
Posted by: Melanie | January 31, 2008 at 06:28 AM
I was just directed over here by Susan over at Farmgirl Fare. I'm so excited to have found your blog! I've been learning as much as I can in the last few months, planning for a garden and livestock and fruit trees and such once I move out of this little condo and out into a place with a backyard. I don't remember ever having eaten kohlrabi, but I'm pretty sure I'll be growing it soon!
Posted by: Polliwoggy | January 30, 2008 at 10:10 PM
My mom grew kohlrabi, but I haven't had it in ages. It seems a shame you never see it at market- I agree with Amy, it's a very Seussean vegetable!
Posted by: Jamie | January 30, 2008 at 08:39 PM
I believe all brassicas (cabbage and broccoli related plants) are heavy feeders and drinkers. I live in Iowa and have kohlrabi seeds out now in soil under snow at 6 degrees. They will sprout when the time is right. I love a warm slaw of kohlrabi onion and carrot with a rice vinegar, olive oil dressing.
Posted by: Cheryl | January 30, 2008 at 05:20 PM
I love this newsletter and I can't wait to take your winter veggies class next year. All of these posts are so informative and inspiring. I am going to try some kholrabi. We have such a great climate in the santa cruz area is there any chance you could lay out a planting calender of ideal planting times for all us who are new to veggie growing in the area. It seems like it would fit perfectly onto your blog and would give people confidence to get out there and plant!!
Posted by: Laura | January 30, 2008 at 05:20 PM
This is great! Kohlrabi has been on my to-grow list for a while now, and you've inspired me to finally actually order the seeds.
Posted by: Meg | January 30, 2008 at 03:19 PM
Kohlrabi always looks like a plant from a Dr. Seuss book to me...beautiful to grow, though!
I came here from Susan's "In My Kitchen Garden" and I'm glad I did! Your site is beautiful and I will definitely be back.
Posted by: Amy | January 30, 2008 at 02:57 PM
Great info! Sounds like a great new addition to the garden AND the kitchen! I esp love the idea of using seedlings in stir-fry...
Posted by: Jennifer | January 30, 2008 at 02:25 PM
KOHLRABI -- I had forgotten about it! I grew it many years ago. The sweet radish-apple taste of it raw was my favorite, though it's also delish steamed. Then it tastes like mild tender broccoli stems. I didn't know the greens were good - another use for this terrific veg! My family is really getting into greens. So much so that my 10YO son keeps the chard plant down to 3 leaves! He harvests it and braises it for an afternoon snack. The weird shape makes kohlrabi a kid-intriguing veg. It's definitely going in the garden. Thanks for the reminder!
Posted by: Karen | January 30, 2008 at 08:16 AM
I had a few kohlrabi plants in my garden this past fall and I so enjoyed their artistic contribution to my beds. They have an otherworldly, sculptural quality in addition to being yummy simply steamed with a little olive oil and pinch of salt. I plan on adding more this coming year. Thank you Love Apple Farm for the lovely images and insightful, inspirational thoughts.
Posted by: Damara | January 29, 2008 at 10:38 PM