Love Apple Farms: Soil Heating Cables Work!

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Mandy Boilers

It's nearly winter in the UK and the weather always affects my vegetables so I'm sure to have to look into this idea, thanks for the information regarding the heating.

Alaska Grower

We have 9 months of above freezing weather, however it does dip to the 20's at night. Since we have 20 hours of daylight during the Summers we grow them fast & big. I'd like to exend our growing season by 2 months on each end (April- November). I'm hopeing to build a small greenhoue or coldbox but (since I'm new at this)...I may need a small reality slap from someone who has more expeience than I do....Thanx


What a wonderful asset! I do challenge you on one small point - I never have any trouble planting out beet seedlings and getting them to grow to maturity.


Hmmmmm, baby beets. I love eating all of those things you grow when I go to Manresa!

local fruits and vegetables in Asheville, NC

What a great find! Thank you for sharing this tip for extending the gardening season. Thanks also for the tip about watching for them on eBay.

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