Love Apple Farms: The Winners of the Class Tuitions Contests Are...

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mary lovin

I wish I didn't live in Ohio so I could take your workshops! The one on raising chickens sounds great! Your website does a nice job of providing information.

Melita Israel

I like them raw straight from the garden. Just slice into rounds. Sweet to eat.


Thanks for the info. on the biodynamic gardening. Reminds me of my grandfather's(who was an awesome farmer) "Farmer Almanac'" with a whole new twist!=)


Man, I wish I lived in California!!! I would so attend your classes they all sound fantastic!!!


Chicken contest! Too bad I don't have a yard to keep them!
Congrats to all the winners!


I love Kohlrabi, it is a fun and funcky looking veggie that tastes awesome. I especially like the pretty-purple variety of kohlrabi.

You can steam or braise it, but think out of the box and try this Eastern European dish.

Stuffed Kohlrabi

10 tender, young kohlrabi
1 lb. ground pork, chicken, or veal meat*
1-1/2 cup sour cream
1 bunch of parsley
white pepper to taste
1 tbsp. oive oil
1 small onion
1 egg 1 tbsp. olive oil

1.Peel the kohlrabi. Scoop out the centers of 8 kohlrabi, chop the scooped out parts and set aside. Cut the remaining 2 kohlrabi into small pieces lengthwise. Cook the rice until half done in slightly salted water.

2. Prepare the stuffing: put the ground meat in a bowl and add egg, pre-cooked rice, finely chopped onion cooked until transparent in the oil. Season with salt, pepper and some of the finely chopped parsley and combine thoroughly. Stuff the kohlrabi. If any meat is left, shape it into small balls. Place in a deep ovenproof dish, surround wit the cut- up kohlrabi strips and the stuffed kohlrabi. Add enough water to cover kohlrabi about 1/3 of the way. Salt, cover and cook on low heat until tender.

3. When done, lift out kohlrabi with a slotted spoon and keep warm. Mix together 2-3 tbsp. of the sour cream with flour until smooth, add a little water and stir again. Add to the kohlrabi bits and bring to boil. Put the stuffed kohlrabi back in the dish, sprinkle with the remaining parsley and a bit of the left over sour cream. Serve the rest of the sour cream in a separate dish.

*Option: mix ground beef and ground lamb for a more Balkan taste.

** It is nice to bake these on a bed of homemade sauerkraut with smoked pork ribs. Very much like Sarma



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