Love Apple Farms: Workshop: Container Vegetable Gardening

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Cynthia Sandberg

Hi Janet. Yes, our farm classroom and restroom facilities are wheelchair accessible.

Janet Shaffer

I am in a wheelchair. Is your property and the classes handicap accessible? Restrooms? Is the Sunday class still open?

Timm Redwood

I have never grown a tomato in my life. In March I planted four LoveApple varieties: Matina, Arkansas Traveler, Black Cherry, and Jet Star, all in 15 gallon containers (so the gophers wouldn't get them!). I followed your instructions to the letter, and I'm happy to report that I have grown amazingly healthy vines with loads of fruit. A couple varieties are approaching seven feet tall!

Thanks much for all the great info and advice...It gives me great encouragement to grow even more next year.

Kevin R.

Looks good, I took the container garden class at your farm in April. All the seedlings I took from the class are very successful. I should have followed your rules better. I cheated and stuck two tomato plants per 18 gallon container and it's a tight fit. They are still pretty tall and have lots of fruit though. I would recommend the container class to anyone, it's well worth it. I'm including a link to my container garden photo album.

Thanks again

Organic Container Gardening

Those are some amazing hanging tomatoes!
Just goes to show that you need VERY little room to grow them in a container.

It sounds like this workshop is going to be awesome - a shame I don't live nearby to attend!

Susan A. Casmero

Looking for some good reliable suggestions on vegies and herbs that work best along the Carmel beach area. Have 3 vegie boxes 3'x4'x18"
with wire mesh at bottom.(gophers) Hot spot in lower backyard w/ 7-8 hrs sun. Tomatoes,lettuces,raddishs,stuff you have had good luck with and the variety that worked the best!!! Thanks The carmel gardner

Love Apple Farm

Margaret: Those are plastic 55 gallon drums cut in half. You can often find people selling them on craigslist. Then just have a handyman cut them in half and drill multiple large holes in the bottom. Saves on money. That is just one of the many ideas I've got on containers...from the cheapo to the fancy!

M Smith

Hi there, I sure hope you can respond to me. I am hoping to find the tubs that look like soft plastic (pliable) - the deep black ones in the picture with the large-leafed greens. I've searched for them and came up with nothing. My local garden shops don't carry them. Can you give me a tip on finding them?
Thanks much!!
Margaret [email protected]

Jennifer G.

I'm eating my bok choy & kale that I self-sowed with my baby girl at your winter veggies class - so exciting!! I have been dreaming about growing food from seed for years & it's great that you gave me the tools & inspiration to do it - Thank you!

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