Love Apple Farms: Woman Engulfed by 10 Foot Tall Tomato Plants!

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Sandy Francis

Hi Cynthia,
I had the pleasure of meeting you this past Sun. at the San Francisco Flower Show. I am very excited for this season's tomatoes! Sure hope it will be better than last year. You gave very good info on the worm casting tea with aspirin which I have started,Thanks! Here's to a great season!

Chris and his Tomatoes

Those are amazingly big tomatoes! Very inspiring (considering mine are about 3 inches tall!)

How long did it take before you got them to grow that big?!


The trick to growing 10ft tall tomatoes is in the soil. If the root's can't grow; the plant can't grow.
Study soil science. Adding composted organic material, adjusting PH and nutrient levels to the needs of the plants you are growing, will yield healthy plants.
In other words Fertilize your Brain with Knowledge.

Gaby Giacchino

That is a stupendous picture! Those tomoato plants are 3 times as tall as mine! I'm going to look into taking a class to improve my garden next summer!

Michelle Russell

I just heard about you and this picture is inspiring! I can't wait for next tomato season! Please add me to your e-mail list. Thanks!


I LOVE this site and all your helpful information! I read it everyday. I am totally inspired and can't wait to take classes!

John Herrick

You have tons of information on your site but sometimes it is difficult to find what I'm looking for (in this case seed saving). Have you thought of a search function?

Linda Barber

Hi! What great tomatoes. I can understand the "buzzing." I have not yet taken one of Cythia's classes, but faithfully read all she has written about tomatoes. I have actually managed to grow nice, albeit smaller, plants, in an area that has just BARELY enough sunshine to do so...and I know it is because I have followed the recommendations! Thank You! (We have been stopping by your stand since it's it!)


That's awesome and very inspiring. I live in the Bahamas where our season is just about to start I hope that i do as well as with my heirloom plants. Thanks for the motivation.

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