Love Apple Farms: Our new Tomato Groves - in containers!

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Michaelia Morgan

I live in foggy, cold, windy Pacific Grove (but I'd love to live on YOUR farm & raise bees, garden, play with the baby chicks & garden), and I have been successful in container gardening. Tomatoes & basil even! The trick for these hot-weather lovers is black plastic containers (the black plastic actually gets hot to the touch), up against the fence (protects from wind & intensifies heat). I grow from seed & it's successful!

Lacey Malone

When we purchased our tony tomato starters from your booth at the SF Garden Show, I thought the man was crazy when he said they would get to 8 feet tall... Now those plants (in containers) have reached almost 6 feet! WOW!

Donna Aceves

Thanks for the helpful email today about tomatoes. I think I might not be watering in the correct amount. The information let me know this might be one of my tomato problems. I appreciate the info.

Jan Hernandez

I live in Montana, and can't find an edible tomato anywhere, even those grown in people's gardens. Having grown up in Michigan and New York, I remember tomatoes having a real "bite" to them, which I looooooved. So I'm growing my own, in an earthbox. The plants are doing well thus far, even have lots of flowers started. But to be honest, I'm doubtful I can re-create the flavors I remember so vividly, since the soil isn't the same. Any suggestions for this novice?

Robert Carlyle

So do tomatoes grow better outside or in greenhouses? I guess it would depend on where you live? I'm in Ohio

Robert ("Bobby") from How To Build Greenhouse


My tomatoes seem to do OK in containers but it is always a challenge to keep the watering nice and even. They dry out so quickly and can stay wet too long. Your containers look just a bit bigger than mine, is there an ideal size?

Zach Geske

Looks beautiful! I'm glad to see some greenery growing on the new farm :D

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