Love Apple Farms: Another Chicken-Keeping Student Testimonial

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Love Apple Farm

Brian: It is now safe to put them out in the chicken coop.

Brian O'Toole

My chickens are 7 weeks old now and are definately outgrowing their initial box. When is it safe to get them into the chicken coop?

Love Apple Farm

Anne Marie: Try sprinkling organic Sluggo or diatomaceous earth around the bed. You might have earwigs.

Anne Marie

Thanks so much for the dog-chicken information. You will likely see me in your fall chicken class. One more question for you, if you don't mind. I have had vegetable gardens in my back yard many years, but took a three year break. I planted a bunch of things in February and some pest(s) have taken off the first sprouts completely. In particularly, my radishes, kale, swiss chard, and beets are clipped completely to the stem. I have tried to go out at night to look for sowbugs and no luck. The one thing I do have is little gnat like flying things. Could these be "flea beetles?" They are so small (but numerous) that I really wonder if they are doing the harm, but it's driving me crazy. I reseeded tons of beets and they have all been chewed down too. I have covered some with strawberry baskets to see if birds are the culprit, but they continued to be nibbled at. Help! Thank you so much and we will be checking out your tomato sale and hopefully meeting you in person (before the chicken class).

Love Apple Farm

Anne Marie: Most dogs, if left untrained and unsupervised, would be happy to kill the chickens. I've got three dogs, and although they have been trained to be gentle around the chickens, I would still be hesitant to let them loose with the hens. You always need a predator-proof run for your hens, because even if your dog won't attack them, a roaming neighbor dog can.

As far as the imprint, no, chicks don't do that. You can get them to be friendly to you if you work at it. Half an hour a day, every day, of interaction. A few minutes a day isn't going to make them want to cozy up with you. Think about a dog: if you were only going to play or interact with your new puppy a couple of minutes a day, would they bond with you? Probably not.

Allison Andersen

My husband and I took the Chick class on a drizzly day in March. We had so much fun learing about chickens and met a lot of nice people with the same interests as us. Our chickls are coming mail order in April and I can't wait to get them. Thank you to Love Apple Farm!

Anne Marie

I only found this blog a couple of weeks ago, but I have been looking up lots of old posts and love your advice. (Re: The potato post, I ordered seed potatoes from Ronnigers and they are beginning their 8th day of chitting.) I have wanted to raise three hens, but since I will be away for a couple of weeks at the end of May have been putting it off. My main two questions are: 1. Dogs and do they get along? They would be separated by a fence, but I worry if my dog got through when the door is open. 2. I see you offer chicks, which are, of course, easier on the home chicken owner, but I also know chicks imprint upon the first thing they see. Would this mean that they wouldn't develop as close a relationship with me? Thanks!


I took this class last May and we are enjoying our chickens so much! All 4 of them turned out to be hens and started laying in early December. The eggs are magnificent and each chicken has a very unique personality. The class was great for a beginner like myself - I came away with all the knowledge I needed to help my chicks grow.

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