Love Apple Farms: Student Testimonial: Steve Gehre

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Purnima Sreenivasan

Dear Cynthia,
I took my first class with you, and redesigned my garden, using all the materials you advised. Then took your tomato classes, and early spring gardening. The recipe for the soil and the world of knowledge and guidance, has made my garden look the best ever. I have so much bounty this year that I am giving away to friends, and saving some for the winter.
I keep referring to my notes all the time.
My children and their friends and of course our family are enjoying our new backyard farm. Everyone keeps asking what really happened, magic ?? Our children are excited to name our farm- "Mellow Earth Farm"
I think you are amazing and have the greatest gift of changing each garden and life, one at a time.
Looking forward to taking more of your classes in the future.
Your recipe for the garden is really the recipe for success and health.
Thanks for bringing me closer to earth and gardening.
Your student,

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