Our 2025 tomato, pepper, and eggplant sale presale has started. We also have other veggies and herbs for pre-sale as well as soil, fertilizers and supplies. You will be picking up your pre-order at 5311 Scotts Valley Drive in Scotts Valley, between March 29 and April 4. You will need an appointment to pick up your plants. After your order is placed, within a day or two we will email you a link to make your appointment. YOU DO NOT NEED TO PRE-ORDER IF YOU ARE COMING INTO NURSERY ONCE WE START BEING OPEN TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC, WHICH IS APRIL 5, 2025. Our hours are 10 to 5 daily.
Our plants are either in 3" pots, or in six-packs. If it isn't designated as a six-pack, it'll be in a 3" small pot. You'll be coming into the greenhouse and choosing your own plants based on your printed-out-at-home detailed receipt. Best to bring a box or wagon to take your order home in, although we will have boxes for sale at a nominal fee.
Includes: 1x 4-5-3 Fertilizer, 1x Bone Meal, 1x Alfalfa Meal, 1x Worm Castings, and 4x Mykos. Enough for 12 tomato plants following our recommendations (for peppers and eggplants use half as much). Check out our instructions for how we plant a tomato. This bundle saves you $13! |
TOMATO, VEGETABLE, AND HERB FERTILIZER A slow-release blend of nutrients (4-5-3 NPK) that provides a great start for your plants. 4-pound bag. We advocate half a cup in the planting hole for tomatoes, and a quarter cup for other veggies. If you're amending a whole planting area, use 4 cups per 50 square feet of growing space or one cup per 20-gallon pot. 4-pound bag equals about 6 cups. |
A blend of Mycorrhizal Fungi (inoculant) to help your plants with nutrient uptake, disease resistance, water retention, and communication! One packet treats 3 tomatoes or 8 other starts. $5.99 Pick up only (no shipping) |
BONE MEAL Bone Meal is an excellent amendment for many crops, as it boosts harvest yields and prevents blossom end rot (that black patch on the bottom of tomatoes). Add half a cup per tomato plant in the ground, or one full cup to a pot. 4-pound bag equals about 6 cups. |
ALFALFA MEAL If you use our planting hole recipe, you know that we say to pop a whole fish head into the bottom of a 2' hole. If you can't find one, or are growing in a pot, or can't dig a two-foot deep hole, then Alfalfa Meal is a good sub. 3-pound bag equals 6 cups. |
Black gold! Worm Castings contain a host of micronutrients and microorganisms that help plants grow properly and fight off diseases. Add half a cup per planting hole, or one full cup to a pot. Two-quart bag equals about 16 cups. $12.99 Pick up only (no shipping) |
EB STONE COMPOST We recommend only certified organic compost be added to your growing beds. Non-certified compost can contain Round-Up. EB Stone's certified organic compost is our 2024 pick for compost. Our amending recipe: 2 cf organic Compost, 4 cups Worm Castings, 4 cups Tomato, Vegetable, and Herb Fertilizer per 50 square feet of soil. This compost comes in a one cubic foot bag.$9.99 Pick up only (no shipping) |
NATURAL POTTING SOIL E.B. Stone Recipe 420 Potting Soil is a quality natural blend of aged forest products, coconut coir, volcanic pumice, rice hulls, bone meal, feather meal, bat guano, kelp meal and alfalfa meal. This perlite and peat free potting soil contains water-holding and nutrient-holding materials. 1.5 cu ft bag. |
Contains Love Apple's recommended ingredients for the planting hole: 1/2 cup ea of 4-5-3 fertilizer, bone meal, alfalfa meal, and worm castings. One bomb treats one tomato or two peppers or eggplants. If you're growing in a pot, use a 20-gallon Geopot for each tomato and add two Tomato Bombs. $7.99 Pick up only (no shipping) |
Our choice to fill new garden beds. Will also perform well in a pot. One bag (3 cubic feet) will fill a 20-gallon Geopot (be sure to add two Tomato Bombs per 20-gallon pot). In garden beds, add 2 cf organic compost, worm castings, and fertilizers to get going. Email us at [email protected] to ask us how much for your personal space. (2 cubic feet) |
We look forward to helping you have a fantastic vegetable garden this year. Consider a gardening class to sharpen your skills. If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at [email protected] or text us (for fastest service) at 831-588-3801.