Our 2025 tomato, pepper, and eggplant sale presale has started. We also have other veggies and herbs for pre-sale as well as soil, fertilizers and supplies. You will be picking up your pre-order at 5311 Scotts Valley Drive in Scotts Valley, between March 29 and April 4. You will need an appointment to pick up your plants. After your order is placed, within a day or two we will email you a link to make your appointment. YOU DO NOT NEED TO PRE-ORDER IF YOU ARE COMING INTO NURSERY ONCE WE START BEING OPEN TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC, WHICH IS APRIL 5, 2025. Our hours are 10 to 5 daily.
Our plants are either in 3" pots, or in six-packs. If it isn't designated as a six-pack, it'll be in a 3" small pot. You'll be coming into the greenhouse and choosing your own plants based on your printed-out-at-home detailed receipt. Best to bring a box or wagon to take your order home in, although we will have boxes for sale at a nominal fee.
Pole beans need a tall trellis for support. Our six packs contain 6 to 12 plants. Photo courtesy of Johnnys (our seed source). |
Standard green slicing cucumber. Covering the ground with plastic keeps it warm and prevents fruit from rotting where it contacts the soil. Photo courtesy of Johnnys (our seed source).
Persian cukes, aka "cocktail" cukes, are shorter and a bit skinnier than your standard cucumber. Photo courtesy of Johnnys (our seed source).
Pickling cucumbers are smaller and bumpier than normal cukes. You'll need several plants for a proper harvest if you're pickling. Photo courtesy of Johnnys (our seed source).
Toscano kale, aka Dinosaur kale, can be a very long-lasting veggie in your garden, giving you edible leaves for more than 6 months. Harvest older, individual leaves for extended lifespan. Each six-pack cell will contain one plant.
$8.99 per 6-pack. Read before ordering!
SQUASH - ZUCCHINI, STANDARD GREEN Standard dark green smooth zucchini. Summer squashes like patty pans, zucchinis, and crooknecks will grow into a large bush. Space them two feet apart. |
Strawberries are fun to grow as long as you protect them from slugs, earwigs and pillbugs. Do that with a sprinkle of organic Sluggo Plus before planting. You'll need more than one plant. Each one doesn't give a whole heck of a lot! $6.99 per plant. Read before ordering!
It's not summer without basil. Keep pinching back the growing tips to create a bushier plant. Also pinch off any flower pods to "trick" the plant into thinking it needs to continue to grow. |
Chives are an easy to grow herb, with many culinary uses. They bloom a pretty little round purple flower that is also edible. |
Dill has an interesting licorice flavor. Essential for some fish dishes. Try adding a few fronds to scrambled eggs to really kick them up a notch.
OREGANO Oregano is the "go-to" spice for pasta sauces, pizzas, and other everyday meals. This is a low-growing hardy perennial, so put it where you think it'll stay for a while. |
Parsley is a staple for any robust herb garden, and our favorite is the flat-leaf Italian version. Don't even THINK about curly-leaf parsley. That's so 70's! $6.99 per plant. Read before ordering!
We look forward to helping you have a fantastic vegetable garden this year. Consider a gardening class to sharpen your skills. If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at [email protected] or text us (for fastest service) at 831-588-3801.